What is reflexology?
Reflexology is a form of foot massage. Through the technique of applying controlled pressure to points and zones on the feet and/or hands we bring about a state of deep relaxation, stimulate the body’s own healing processes and help the person to return to a state of balance and well-being. Although dating back to Ancient Egypt, it wasn’t until around 1930 that the art of Reflexology was introduced to the western world. Since then, Reflexology has been further developed and researched. The methods now used are a combination of Reflexology based on oriental medicine and acupuncture, zone therapy and stimulation of points corresponding to nerve endings.
The principle of this therapy is that the two feet (or hands) as a whole represent a mini-map (microcosm) of the entire body incorporating each body system and including every gland and organ. Treating the person as a “whole” means that a reflexologist works to bring balance back across all body systems for relaxation, release of tension, improved sleep, improved mood and increased well being. People of all ages will derive positive benefits as reflexology can be used effectively for everyone. A professionally trained reflexologist can detect subtle changes in specific points throughout the feet (reflex points), and by working on these points may affect the corresponding body system, gland or organ. Reflexology is always effective and should leave the person feeling lifted, peaceful, centred and very pampered.
The beauty of reflexology is that this peaceful and unassuming therapy accesses every aspect of the human body – encompassing both the physical and emotional elements in one neat package.
How can Reflexology help you?
The important thing to remember is that reflexology treats the person as a whole, because that’s how the body works.
Specifically, reflexology improves the circulatory system by stimulating improved circulation. This affects the respiratory system by deepening breathing and improving oxygenation of the blood. Often improved circulation can clear congestion from the lungs and upper respiratory tracts, including the ear, nose and throat. Reflexology affects the urinary system by detoxing the body, preventing or alleviating kidney and bladder imbalances. Reflexology rebalances the nervous system including the adrenaline and nerve responses, and by rebalancing the parasympathetic nervous system it assists your body’s own pain control mechanisms. Reflexology regulates the endocrine system (hormones) and calms the stress response by balancing the adrenal reflexes. It increases the effectiveness of the lymphatic system; boosting immunity, decreasing the likelihood of infection, and clearing the body of waste. Reflexology works on the digestive system enabling effective transit and regulating intestinal processes. Reflexology strives to establish homoeostasis – a physiological process of stable equilibrium.