About Me

Cat Jones MAR

I’m married and a Mum of three boys.  I started my reflexology business in 2014 which has steadily grown.  I have a background encompassing extensive experience with chronic illness which has shaped my career towards helping others. I became unwell at the age of eight and I became bed bound for many years.  Eventually a diagnosis of M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was given.  I was unable to attend school but ultimately I developed other valuable and insightful life skills which shaped my future.

Throughout my life I have been drawn to complementary therapies and have trained in Touch For Health (a form of Kinesiology based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and using the principles of accupressure); Reiki (Level 1&2), Indian Head Massage.

I finally made a full recovery from the M.E. in my late thirties thanks to the Lightning Process, a course designed to re-train the neural pathways which connect the mind and body.  A couple of years later my fairy-godmother (a Norfolk reflexologist herself) urged me to consider training as a reflexologist. The idea took hold and from that point I simply never looked back!

 “The best way of finding yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others
Mahatma Ghandi